Ashgabat: New Center for Neurology

In Ashgabat, the capital of Turkmenistan, as yet does not exist a hospital which is dedicated exclusively to neurology. In some of the hospitals respective departments exist but there is no specialized institution as such.
The new center for neurology which currently is under construction shall concentrate all possibilities for an optimum treatment of patients in one facility. In total the hospital will have 146 beds, thereof 80 bariatric and 24 intensive care beds, For medical diagnostics and treatment a MRT 3.5 Tesla, which will then be the largest MRT installed in Turkmenistan, two operating theaters as well as two angiography systems will be supplied, among other medical equipment.
Furthermore, a very large physiotherapy department is foreseen, offering very many and different treatment options which go beyond the usual range of classical physiotherapy. The focus is particularly on patients who need to learn everything anew from very beginning. So for motion sequences and learning of how to walk there will be a number of treadmills available, some of them with particular appliances for patients unable to stand upright without support, balance trainers, etc. A special feature is certainly an especially equipped kitchen which was very important to the hospital. Moreover, a separate area is dedicated to language therapy.
hospitalia international has signed the contract for the supply of the medical equipment with the Turkish main contractor who is responsible for the construction part of the project. The opening of the Neurology Center is scheduled to take place on occasion of the annual exhibition "Health" in July 2016 in Ashgabat.